Sending T-Train With Extension | Tribal Wars

9 years ago

How do you send a noble train? Watch this!
How to time a noble train on the millisecond? Heres how. This is my first technique to send a t-train or noble train on the millisecond. This guide is simple to perform so even noobs can execute it.

For this Guide you use a Google Chrome extension to send a t-train with in 400 mile seconds.

Shortcut Manager link Here:


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Step 1:

1 ) Put Shortcut key as 1
2) Put URL patterns as ** or your tribal wars ult
3) Put Action as Select the left tab
4) Save

Step 2:
1) Put Shortcut key as 2
2) Put URL patterns as ** or your tribal wars ult
3) Put Action as Select the right tab
4) Save

Step 3:

1) Create Send Attack tabs
2) Put troops in
3) Click Attack
4) Change tabs with 2 while clicking enter to send attacks

Video Version Of This Guide:[/color][/b] [Url][/Url]


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