Brave Cat Defends Itself From The Family Dog

10 years ago

There is a constant dislike between cats and dogs that no one can explain. Whether they fight about food, sleeping place, owner’s attention, they always seem to find a way to pick up a fight. It looks like every time a battle starts, the cat leaves first. What you are about to see is nothing like that. This cat fights back the family dog! What a warrior!

The main problem between cats and dogs is actually very simple. Dogs are energized and enthusiastic all the time. They never get tired of playing games and chasing objects or other animals. On the other hand, cats are more solitary creatures, they like to live in peace and they appreciate if dogs were not bothering them.

The truth is that cats don’t understand conflict as a concept. They would rather be sleeping. But dogs are happy to hunt cats or everything that moves for that matter. Just like this dog in the video. He tried to make a rough contact with the cat on the couch. What happened next will surprise you!

The bold cat actually replied to the dog’s rude behavior . She defended her own position and life many times in the following video. You can see the dog pulling back at the edge of the furniture. Even though the pup is quite larger than the cat, he gives up in the end. It is so freaking funny!

Further proving that size doesn't matter, this adorable little kitten fearlessly lets the family dog know who is in charge. You gotta check out their hilarious interaction!

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