Strange Atmospheric Sounds Recorded In Iowa

10 years ago

There are a lot of things that we can not explain to ourselves. We are drifting in a place that is just not close enough to reach the explanation about exactly how we came to be as species, about us after we cease to exist in this form, about other lives in the Universe and on our planet and about the reason why someone would invent such a thing as a fidget spinner. But all joking aside, sometimes we just can’t stop but feel that maybe, just maybe, there is something out there waiting for us to find it.

What if all of those unexplained sounds and sightings in nature are just a way of communication, a way of telling us that we shouldn’t give up on our search to find the hidden? Matthew N. captured footage featuring apparent atmospheric sounds in Davenport, Iowa. What do you think it might be? We are still not sure what those sounds remind us of, but one thing is for sure - they do sound eerie. It’s something we might hear in a scene of the Lord of the Rings franchise or the Game of Thrones series. The suspense of waiting to see the outcome after the noise has stopped is killing us, but we honestly can’t know, and we might never find out.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you have any idea about the origin of this sound? Make sure you tell us what you think in the comments down below.

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