Recycled celebrities

1 year ago

It's not just celebrities, politicians, world leaders, news anchors, actors, actresses, musicians and Sport greats & figures.. EVERYONE that is put up-front center stage are recycled & all part of the EGI (Elite Gender Inversion Club) the women are really men & the men are really women born the opposite sex and transitioned into Baphomet[S] with an S of that SS serpent seed army that surrounds us all at all times.. (((THEY))) are making THeir 2nd transhumanism bid for the Hell kingdom on Earth that DOESNT get fulfilled!!

(((THEY))) are soulless vessels for the fallen ones (angels) to inhabit & remade recycled cloned ancient old pharaohs such as Barra'c'k is Skarrab spelled backwards the tweaking & mixing of dna.. When thy dead shall walk the Earth again.. (((THEY))) have never left! This is THeir prison planet on this FLAT plane of Earth.. (((THEY))) live in this world & have to plan it for it all to happen.. In a World where the dead walk amongst the living;

NOTHING is as it seems!

Wake up to the transhumanism transpocalypse!!

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