Pro-aborts are dumb

1 year ago

A human zygote or fetus is not comparable to a sperm cell, a cancer cell or bacteria. Master-baschion isn’t abortion, nor is chemotherapy. I can’t believe this needs to be said.
At fertilization, a whole, individuated, genetically-distinct living human organism with, again, a unique set of DNA is formed. From that moment forward, the human zygote has all of the genetic material needed to grow into the fetus, the baby, the child, the adult he will eventually become. We are talking about mere stages of human development—not “potential humans.”
Pregnancy is a unique and truly incomparable situation in which two distinct human organisms occupy the same body—or rather, a human body and life is growing inside another human body. We must take care to preserve the rights and health of BOTH human lives—not focus only on one, and act as if the other doesn’t even exist. Again, that is not scientifically or morally sound. It is based off your own emotion, and your own belief that a woman should never ever have to go through anything a man doesn’t also have to go through, and that every woman has a human right to seggs without consequence. No such rights exist. I want you to enjoy seggs (I advise you wait until marriage), but once a new, unique human life is formed, it is no longer just about your enjoyment, your convenience, or your desire.

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