Man Shoots Hoops At The Arcade With Both Hands

10 years ago

We've all tried our hands and tons of different arcade games. Arcades have games for every type of person. Depending on what type of person you are, you might have a knack for certain games over other ones. For a lot of athletes, they try their hand at the world famous 3-Point basketball arcade game. Every arcade has a few of those machines, and at peak time, you can bet that you will be waiting to shoot some hoops in hopes of setting the new high score. Well the man in this video definitely took a different approach to this game than most.

Watch as this gentleman (casually) in Taipei, Taiwan takes arcade basketball to the next level! Have you ever witnessed a better performance than that? You can bet that this man has spent quite a long time perfecting his form, but boy does it pay off. He probably sets the high score for this game at any arcade that he goes to, insane!

We got another proof for you that people on the Asian continent are masters when it comes to playing arcade! A little Filipino kid has been swishing ball after ball at the arcade in Marilao in the Philippines, making just one miss during his 4 minute reign! The InterNET is going wild over the kid’s skill and focus, as he dunks shot by shot while playing the All-Star Basketball arcade game. At first it seems that the whole thing is just a fluke; but nope - it is more than abundantly clear that the boy is dominating the game.

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