Gilgamesh and Nimrod are said to be Satan.

1 year ago
Q the DISCLOSURE, [Jul 8, 2023 at 5:01 PM]
This man died on the operating table and said that Jesus sent him a message.. I did some research and included my findings. Give this at least 3 minutes before you lose interest.

It goes much deeper than this but I thought this would suffice for somebody to start doing their own research…

Follow the directions in the end of the video if you want a good source for videos that are hard to find for free..

Gilgamesh and Nimrod are said to be Satan. Apparently they found Nimrod a.k.a. Gilgamesh in a tomb. Included compiled with the evidence.

I also found a specific “watch” video with the tomb that I had not seen before that was very interesting and matched up with the carvings I’ve seen..

I hope you enjoy and I hope you share!

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