Gifts For Humanity: Holy Quantum Soul Alignments for NOW-time!

1 year ago

#Symposium #BenevolentRaces #TeachPeace

WELCOME To: The First Symposium for All Benevolent Races! Part IV

If you wish to watch the previous 3 parts, go to our Quantum Library and check out additional free quantum, resources! Link is below.

This entire project was created to bring councils, tribes, Soul path mentors and ground crew leadership together in unity to assist those who need a perspective from further down the path in a peaceful transition from their (personal, inner) warrior, to their spirit nature while in a physical body.
Spirit wants this released now, so NOW must be the time. It was recorded in the 3D matrix in January 2022 and is Part IV (of four sections) with the culmination of our work for the First Symposium For All Benevolent Races... The ACTIVATIONS, THE MEDITATIONS, THE RE-ALIGNMENTS and THE UPGRADES - ~ The icing on YOUR cake, so to speak... ~

Spirit wants you to have this gift.
I say, careful what you ask for... Included in this 4th most advanced section is the special commentary FIRST... (you need to know what you're about to receive...) and then soon after the commentary with Bev and Lynda, if just begins right off the bat... so get comfortable when you're ready to receive and just open your hearts to let in the Divine Light from many various galactic races represented in human form for The Gifts Offered to Humanity, right NOW!
Enough are able to receive and so NOW IS THE TIME.. Let the Healing and the AGE of MIRACLES BEGIN! Full CONSENT is ALWAYS a priority. You only allow that which your Soul agrees to; the BEST POSSIBLE outcome for you and your mission here on Earth, in accordance with The Divine Will and Plan.

So many are now beginning their journey to awakening to their soul self, and all that implies... Therefore, in order to assist the masses gain the perspective of what 'coming to wholeness' actually is all about, this symposium should provide insights and wisdom for anyone seeking the path to their soul connection. We hide nothing...
In addition to the first three videos meetings, where we discuss our awakening processes, offer advice for the newly awakening, talk about the most important lessons humanity is learning right now and over the last few years, the current state of affairs, Projects For Humanity and recommendations for any disciplines or self care methods that might help you; in section 4, we also offer activations and initiate synchronizations for your own personal light bodies connected to your heart through the crystalline gridwork and the planets heart, our sun, the galactic sun and the grand central suns heartbeat, along with several other major initiations and activations that are determined by self identifications related to your personal light quotient for your own DNA codes and Souls' blueprint (for this, and many other lifetimes) in preparation for this time on the planet together.
If you are a healer you will most likely already be familiar with the Emerald Ray which will be fully activated in synchronization with the Emerald Crystal Heart held within the Heart of Gaia and now, within all who are ready for this massive synchronization.
In additional to all of the above, every person who participated in this peace project for humanity has made divine offerings for the intent of this symposium to assist humanity in the transition to peace while returning to the wholeness of themselves as a renewed and complete being with connections to their own Soul, healing and inner guidance; their own personal connection to Creator Source Divine, King of the Universe and Queen of All Life.

Energy exchange is very important for many reasons.

Jerry Sargeant
Andrew Weston
Cory MacKinnon
Jerome Headley
Michael Rolla
Sara Hill
Sherri Bausch
Beverli Morrison: Special Commentator
Lynda Light - Facilitator

If you received this video link from a friend or wish to share what you have learned in this section, please consider sharing the link below this writing with your people for this labor of love Project For Humanity creation:

~Teaching Peace Since 2004~


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