Some right wing people in this case Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling for the disbanding of NATO

1 year ago

Some right wing people in this case Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling for the disbanding of NATO blaming some EU countries for not contributing enaugh.
All these right wing people work for Russia or China or both. The cost of USA exiting NATO would be much higher for USA than NATO allies in Europe. USA has around 70000 troops in Europe, a small percentage to "defend" Europe.
Also the big spending is not in Europe but in the Pacific ocean, the Navy costs the most. European countries have a good navy and now with Sweden and Finland joining NATO it is even better.
The percentage of the expenditure of USA in Europe is small in comparison with the benefits
And if USA would pull out of NATO now then the alliance will have a predominantly European nature and European countries will start to get armed to the teeth.
The only thing that would happen is some of the balance of power changed.
Russia couldn't capture any European country even if it was defended only by EU forces.
Poland, Sweden&Finland, Romania and Turkey have either very good armies, hard terrain to advance or both.
At best Russia could conquer the Baltic States, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine without USA help
Also if USA pulls out of NATO then other USA allies in Asia would not trust USA too much seeing how USA abandones comitments and allies. USA position would be weakened in Asia as well and China would advance towards USA

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