Thank you in peace and love and light.

1 year ago

I speak for the Wayshowers who are many and I speak to the knowledge that what we have heard from the dark masters of the Black Alliance is one reality which is true but does not have to continue. They see what they see and can not see pass the door. They are correct. We can not change the third dimension directly and we are trapped in the fourth dimensional labyrinth of their creation. To play on their field under their rules will certainly defeat our kind , because their rules change and they play with a desire for our energy and life. I speak and ask and seek out, where is our champion? The one who is the initiator of this service! The initiator is the one who serves the teachers of light and guides their knowledge to us so that we may speak forth this message to the followers. Where is the initiator who is ready, willing and able to come forward and tell us this message which will become our clarion call?

The venue of the game is set here upon planet earth. The timing for this game is now. The dark masters are entrenched in their defensive positions and ready for the coming of the Wayshowers and the Teachers of Light. All has been prepared and there is but one vacancy. Who will come forth and speak the invocation which begins the game? Who will come forth with the resource and the power and the key? Every Wayshower has prepared the altar and has dressed in readiness for the journey. The altar sits with all the elements of the work to be done. In deep meditation each has cleared away the veil and is ready to walk forth through the valley of hell into the mountains of light. There is but another who must reveal themselves with the awesome power of a magician and the sovereign envoy of divine authority.

Through this message the Wayshowers are mobilized and empowered to deliver to the followers instructions which will set them upon the road to freedom. From this point forward there is a gift of spirit which is allowed only to those who know that abundance is released when asked by the initiator. When the initiator appears and asks that the gifts be released so that the Wayshowers may move forth and give the followers prosperity, health and happiness through the liquid light of truth and the darkness will fade from sight and disappear. The liquid light which is given from the heart to heart in fifth dimensional awareness of sacred geometric forms creates the triangular conditions to connect the energies. The initiator has the key. The key is a simple message, a simple word that unlocks the door to abundance. The initiator has opened this door in abundance and has abundance to share with the first group. The initiator has the key. The key is a simple message which unlocks the door to abundance. The initiator has opened this door already and has abundance to share with the first group and is one of the points of light which who is shining most brightly in the center of this sacred space.

Those who speak most clearly the message that is brought forth receive rivers of abundance and streams of conscious awareness from the eternal springs of well being. The initiator is called forth. The first group calls out with a thousand voices with a thousand hearts with a thousand minds focused and empowered in every way seeking the one who will bring forth the word. This word will invoke the energy to begin the movement forth and enlighten the followers and dispel the dark. The liquid light will spread peace, beauty, wealth, health, happiness, love, knowledge, bliss and enlightenment upon all who are open and willing to receive these blessings. We call out and bring to bare this contract that was written before time and space by our guides who walk with us and teach us. Our Teachers of Light know you and we call upon them to seek you out and bring you forth with all your powers, resources and wisdom. It is you who are called to find inside yourself that power which is invoked now and upon this day you are called.

The asking of a thousand souls speak forth your name and your sound is given. The assembly of the millennium calls forth your awakening. From now until the new moon you are summoned to shine forth with resolve and acknowledge the agreement with the Wayshowers. Let the shadow that controls you move away and announce your freedom with courage as this initiation beckons. Let the coming one appear and unlock the rivers of love, the streams of light and the springs of happiness upon the world and let the golden age begin. It is so! The asking is complete and sent. We harmonize with the plan and rest on the leading edge. We are grateful to you for your work, your service, your happiness, your joy. We appreciate everything that you are and we look forward to seeing your love shine upon this world. It is you who are called and you must walk forth. We have asked and we have given you this message so that you may find us. Thank you in peace and love and light.

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