Fragments of Alien Tech Found? New Evidence Backs Up Ancient Discoveries

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Harvard professor Avi Loeb may have his hands on fragments of alien technology from a meteor that landed in the waters of Papua New Guinea in 2014. He previously conducted a study on the origins of the interstellar object Oumuamua, alluding to the fact that evidence indicates it could be a probe sent here on a “reconnaissance mission.” Now, Loeb has been accused of STEALING the fragments, but is this a distraction from his claims being true?

In this episode, Ben and Rob take a deep dive into history and share UFO or “airship” reports dating back to the 19th century. What were the strange lights spotted in the sky that looked like giant birds, spotted before airplanes took to the air? In other news, giant, stone artifacts baffle scientists because they can’t understand the purpose of these large tools supposedly too big for ancient human beings. Scientists also now have material that’s stronger than steel and lighter than aluminum—could this, too, be from alien technology?

Join Ben and Rob on this Edge of Wonder Live show as they dive deeper into these topics. Plus join them for a Live Q&A and a group meditation/prayer on Rise.TV.

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