How To Make A Candle Using An Orange

10 years ago

If you're ever in need of a <a href="" target="_blank">candle</a> and just can't find one around the house, here's a genius idea! You can create one using an orange!

It is quite simple, really - you will only need a knife and some olive oil, which you probably already have in your pantry!

Use a good, sharp knife to score the fruit along its Equator, just enough to cut through the skin but not to cut into the flesh underneath. After this, you will need to be super gentle and patient.

Using your thumb, start <a href="" target="_blank">peeling</a> the skin from the juicy flesh inside, making sure that you get the whole thing off without breaking it.

The next part is crucial - you have to make sure that the stem in the center of the orange comes out as complete as possible! It might be tricky, so just tug at it slowly on all sides and ease it out. If it comes out looking a big shaggy, just twist it between your fingers, like you would a normal wick. That’s it!

Now all you have to do is fill your new vessel with some olive oil, making sure that you pour some on the stem as well and light the ‘wick’!

It will burn for quite a bit of time and when you put it out, you won’t get that bad burning smell!

Thanks for watching!

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