Tom Renz | Drive-By Media

1 year ago

The WEF and George Soros types are everywhere and in France you have Macron, who’s pushing the destabilize and rebuild better theory. It’s becoming a playbook; create a crisis, stoke the crisis, and use it to pass legislation and laws that promote their agenda. The great reset can’t happen unless you tear down what’s there and you can’t tear down what’s there without crisis. Where did the pallets of bricks come from during the riots in the U.S.? This is a conspiracy theory that needs to be talked about. What’s really going on? The French riots and BLM riots are all part of the same thing. When is congress going to investigate this and get to the bottom of what’s going on? I would like to see an investigation into what is occuring in France and if there is any funding or individuals involved there that were involved in the riots here. There’s alot of evil in our world and if we don’t fight to shine the light of truth on it we are going to be in serious trouble. #France #Macron #Riots #TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants #ConspiracyTheory #GodWins #Truth

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