This Little Guy Has Zero Fear Of Spiders

10 years ago

Are you braver than a two-year-old boy? Because if you are not sure, then you should probably watch this video to make sure. Dressed in his Spiderman shirt, the kid lets what we believe to be a nursery web spider, native to the continent of Australia, crawl all over his back and chest, of course accompanied by his dad.

When dad picks up the crawler and shows it to him, the little boy schrieks in delight, curious to see the spider up close and personal. He even asks dad if he can pick him up, to which dad lets the spider land on the boy’s arm and again cross all over him.

“I found this beauty crawling around in our living room. Fortunately (unlike his mother) my 2 year old son loves spiders,” says the proud dad and we cannot be more glad about him. Honestly, if you treat them with respect, let them roam freely without issuing them any harm, these creatures will just go on their merry way, because they, too, would much rather be in a place that is not infested by humans!

Just as this little boy is excited about spider, this other girl in excited about her pet python. She is so cool with the serpent, and obviously the snake is cool with the girl, that the slippery critter lets the girl play on it with her toys. She even gives the snake a gentle hug, like it is the fluffiest kitten she has ever seen!

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