1 year ago

G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎ In order to have a FREE and #CompleteConscious..Look and admit to oneself..YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT...YOU DO SIN..YOU ARE NOT PERFECT IN YOUR WAYS OF #RIGHTEOUSNESS...
Some of us may feel we are absolute in our #Character of being RIGHTEOUS..
But we have no idea how far from the TRUTH this is for us..We JUDGE..We CONVICT..We SLANDER..and RIDICULE..
We have NEGATIVITY in our #THOUGHTPROCESS from time to time..
We curse those who have done us wrong..We envy those that are doing something..or have a better #ABILITIES than we do..WE ARE "HUMAN"..WE HAVE FAULTS..No one is above the pit of brimstone..We can only pray for the #SALVATION of "#TheOneMostHigh"..#Forgive us for our sins..When time for judgment comes to pass..Look to your own faults..Before you pass JUDGMENT to others..We are all guilty of this..And find #PEACE and #FORGIVENESS in your hearts for well as for yourself..The end times are approaching..Don't get caught without your house being in order..
A M E N . . . Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism"..#MuchLove "Humans"▪︎
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