1 year ago

Chuck Norris Is Now A Proud Conservative Republican American…!!…!!…
And Say’s Why He Dumped The Democrats Because They’ve Gone Too Far Left…


White Hats Military Recover Stolen Sarin Gas Rockets☢️👩‍🚀🚀👨‍🚀🐝

United States Special Forces and chemical weapon specialists have recovered the GB rockets that inexplicably vanished from what should have been an impregnable concrete bunker at Army Blue Grass Weapons Depot in Kentucky, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

White Hats began investigating the mysterious disappearance Friday night after a soldier at BGAD claimed that 60 M55 sarin gas rockets were missing from storage racks and that someone in a position of power had removed their serial numbers from a restricted database. He had last seen the rockets, which were scheduled for destruction Friday, on Wednesday. He believed the disappearance occurred Thursday or early Friday morning while he was off shift.

Our source said the general cashed in favors to acquire security recordings that showed protocol violations and evidence of rockets leaving the base, the most egregious being missing timestamped footage, 90 minutes of it, between 1:30-3:00 Friday morning, four hours before the whistleblowing specialist started work. Two cameras inside the bunker had been selectively disabled, as had three exterior cameras that, if working, would’ve shown persons or vehicles approaching the bunker’s impenetrable steel doors, sealed shut by massive shackle locks.

“Even with today’s tech, those old bunkers were never fitted with biometric security. Just good old-fashioned keys. And as you can imagine, access to those keys should be tightly controlled. As far as we know, there are only two sets on base. The commander has one, and one is in the security building. Live footage is also fed to the security shack,” our source said.

He mentioned that the whistleblower saw no physical evidence of a break-in—other than the missing rockets. The locks were intact, and no one besides him seemed to notice or care that 60 lethal rockets weren’t in their assigned location.

General Smith also reviewed the video of the base’s entrances and exits. Cameras covering the main gate, the only thoroughfare to weapon bunkers, had 90 minutes of lost time identical to that of the burgled depot.

Two guards, civilian contractors, should have been protecting the main gate at the time.

BGAD is an atypical Army post. Seventy percent of its 700 personnel—though 2,500 have rotated in and out during the chemical weapon decommissioning campaign—are civilian contractors, including private security. In May, the criminal Def. Sec. Lloyd Austin directed BGAD commander Col. Brett A. Ayvazian to increase private security “to allow soldiers greater flexibility,” even though no soldiers complained about being overworked. In fact, Gen. Smith’s investigation revealed BGAD soldiers had expressed concern that the growing number of civilian contractors heightened the risk of a security breach.

As part of the investigation, Gen. Smith reached out to Ayvazian, who had left BGAD ahead of the 4th of July holiday and didn’t return until the evening of July 7, after the rockets had gone missing. When the general inquired about the rockets and asked to see security footage, Ayvazian denied the request, said Marines had no business meddling in Army affairs, and told him to forward any concerns to Lloyd Austin. Moreover, Ayvazian said he wasn’t authorized to discuss the chemical weapon destruction campaign with anyone outside his immediate command.

“General Smith ultimately got video from other sources,” our source said. “As for Ayvazian, it was damn suspicious, but we didn’t know if he was in on it or just trying to cover his ass after the fact. General Smith wasn’t about to let those rockets stay missing.”

By Saturday, General Smith and 5th Special Forces Group commander Brent Lindemen had recalled a Special Forces detachment from an ongoing assignment, investigating a famous Hollywood producer suspected of running a child sex trafficking ring, and put them on the case of the missing rockets, which, our source said, took priority, at least temporarily. The general also recruited trustworthy CBRNs from the 48th Chemical Brigade to aid the recovery in case the rusty rockets had sprung leaks.

White Hats canvassing the nearby cities of Richmond, Berea, and Kirksville got their first clue Sunday morning when the owner of a gas station on Route 25, a few miles north of BGAD, reported having seen a suspicious 18-wheeler stop for fuel early Friday morning. He thought it suspicious that the driver wore Army fatigues without a nametag, and the occupant appeared to be a civilian dressed in black.

“A lot of military traffic goes through that area, and the owner was familiar with patterns. Military travel in military vehicles, and civilians in civilian vehicles. He told Special Forces only rarely had he seen military and civilians traveling together, and never a soldier without a nametag. He was sure of it because the soldier, if he was one, used the restroom. His cameras, fortunately, were working and showed the truck leaving the station north, but not clear enough to get the plates,” our source said.

The tractor-trailer’s conspicuous emerald cab gave Special Forces a clue to follow, though it already could have deposited the cargo at any number of airports or shipping ports along the central eastern seaboard. Nonetheless, Special Forces worked with what leads they had, gumshoeing their way north like the detectives of potboiler fiction.

Meanwhile, Gen. Smith at Camp Pendleton pooled White Hat resources to cast a wide net. Additional Special Forces joined the hunt, as did soldiers of the 75th Ranger Regiment and Marines from Camp Lejeune’s 2nd Marine Division.

“The biggest operation to date,” our source said.

According to our source, the White Hat council somehow obtained traffic cam footage and tracked the 18-wheeler from the gas station to Richmond to Lexington to Louisville, then into Indiana and north toward Indianapolis. The trail went cold in Edinburgh, about 50 miles south of Indianapolis and a three-hour drive from Blue Grass Depot.

“Our fear was the truck stopped around Edinburgh, the weapons got moved to another vehicle, and something like that would’ve happened if we weren’t very lucky and very fast,” our source said.

As Special Forces sped to Edinburgh, the general arranged for choppers to shuttle Rangers, now in Virginia, to the truck’s last known location. They converged in Edinburgh at approximately the same time and fanned out in an expanding circle, searching for roads that didn’t have traffic cameras.

At 3:00 p.m. Sunday, Special Forces spotted a tractor-trailer with a green cab on an isolated stretch of road near Plover Pit Lake. Thermal scans showed a cold engine and an empty cab.

“They expected to find an empty trailer. But the CBRNs put on protective gear, used infrared detectors to check for nerve agent vapors, and broke the lock. And the rockets were in there, but no sign of the driver or passenger,” our source said.

Someone, he added, had retrofitted the interior with racks designed to safely cradle the rockets.

“Now, it was sitting there a damn long time, Friday morning until late Sunday afternoon, unattended before we arrived. Abandoning a truckload of WMDs made no sense. The general assumed the occupants expected another driver to come along and drive it to its final destination, but again, you’d think they’d have timed it better. Or something happened to delay a relief crew that long. We weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth,” our source said.

Our source added that the general and his staff debated whether to lay a trap for any Deep Staters that happened along or simply commandeer the truck. Gen. Smith prudently picked the second choice, wondering how many Deep Staters might arrive in search of their stolen cache and what firepower they might bring. His primary concern was to deprive the thieves of their would-be bounty.

“It wasn’t an easy choice. General Smith has no qualms about killing traitors. We believe the Biden regime is involved because Biden made public statements that all chemical weapons were destroyed and never said word one about any missing,” our source said.

The rockets now reside in a truly secure location and will be destroyed, he added.

And the CBRN whistleblower is under White Hat protection.

“I want to say one more thing: We are firmly against the U.S. Security State and the billions of cameras watching every movement. We’ll die on that hill. But in this case, we’re thankful they were there. This issue isn’t closed. We’ll find who took those rockets and who hired them,” our source said.

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