Awaken Bible Prophecy 7-12-23: The Harlot of Rome and Babylon

1 year ago

There’s been much written about the identity of Babylon and its richly deserved destruction as chronicled in Revelation 17-18. Is it actual Babylon or symbolic about that locale? Is it literally the rebuilt city in Iraq, or is it metaphorically Rome, or someplace else like New York City or Jerusalem? I’ve spilled plenty of ink over this subject myself along with many other Bible teachers. If you’re interested, I’ve linked a couple of my writings about this on my Rumble channel.

The reason for today’s explorations into God’s prophetic Word comes about because of my reading The Final Prophecies by Bill Salus. In that book he has a chapter titled: What Happens to the Harlot World Religion After Her Desolation? I hadn’t really given that much thought, but in considering Salus’ argument, I think he’s got a good point.

Given what Bill has suggested, I think we can come to an even fuller understanding of this demonic location that has brought such corruption and devastation to the earth as stated about the Harlot and her association with this place in Revelation 17:5:

And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

As usual, I take an idea and run with it by adding my additional thoughts and research. This approach often provides a fuller understanding or even a somewhat different understanding from that of the original author.

So, let’s try to see what we might learn about this mystery and what light we can shed on this subject.


Prior Babylon discussions

The Next Prophecies – Bill Salus

The Last Prophecies – Bill Salus

The Final Prophecies – Bill Salus

A Woman Rides the Beast – Dave Hunt

Alternative View – opening of 1st 5 Seals prior to Tribulation

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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