Generate FREE Leads & Website Traffic On Reddit (2024 Strategy)

1 year ago

In todays video, I will share how I have generated high quality leads and website traffic through reddit over the past 6 years. The best part, it is completely free!

Step 1: Set up your reddit account and add your social links, bio, and profile picture. It is crucial to ensure your profile looks as trustworthy as possible. Social links such as LinkedIn and a company website will elevate their level of trust with you.

Step 2: Join the appropriate subreddits. This will vary niche to niche. It is crucial that you join groups that won’t limit your ability to service these clients.

Example: It is best to join a subreddit group dedicated to a specific province or state if you don’t service clients country or world-wide. If you ship / service everyone and aren’t bound to geographical boundaries, then this wouldn’t apply to you.

Step 3: Use keywords to find warm leads.

Step 4: Message prospects to convert them into paying customers.

It is also key to note that if you have “Dotcom” attached to your Reddit name, when you leave valuable comments and engaging topic posts users will naturally type in your website URL. This is a long term strategy which takes time but has a high ROI. But as a plane preparing for liftoff, once its off the ground it is a steady flow of traffic. This is a strategy that can’t be faked. You must be knowledgeable about your industry or others will expose you. Stay committed and you will be amazed by the results.

“All you need is wifi and a dream”

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