Yoga with Jeff is going live!

1 year ago

Functional Asana for the Back, Part 3/3 // 7.10.23 // The concluding sequences here include variations of supine bound angle pose and supine triangles. These moves are most effective after having awakened three planes of movement in the spine, after capacity for conscious breath delivery into the body, and after working with basic principles of stability, effortless effort, and the recognition of limitation ( shtira, sukha, dukha) .

The initial set presented here abbreviates and condenses many other moves into a simple initial set of practice. While the poses are the forms we use, and as every form is a vessel for our breath, the purpose isn’t virtuosity of form but rather we use posture as a tool for living. We awaken life force in us, unlock painful, dysfunctional movement, awaken aligned strength and balance with ease and breath.

We close with three breaths — inhale, lock, exhale: 5:20:10.

Final “wise guy” passage from Swami Rama: “the language of love.”

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