Rhema July 9, 2023 ❤️ The World must choose now... President Trump is still My Choice

1 year ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus says... The World must choose NOW!...
President Trump is still MY choice...

June 20, 2019 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, grant us the gifts of intercession not only to re-elect this President, but to defeat our spiritual enemies... Amen.

Precious family, the struggle goes on at the hermitage. We are taking 10 times longer to get things done, because of the opposition. The roads being difficult. And I wish I knew what I have done to them to deserve this kind of treatment? At least then I could apologize. So, we are moving ahead with the Refuge, even though we face much opposition. I was led to pick up the Rhema book, and I opened to page 312. 'The heading is Mercy. We are again on the brink or war.'

Well, our government is right on the edge, and the suffering we are all going through, over the hermitage and our personal life, is the price we are offering up to save our nation and our President.

This is a time of profound intercession, because we have the chance to re-elect Trump and keep this country on its feet. And get rid of the Socialists. The freedom to worship. And get rid of the prejudice against Christians. We have fasted and prayed continuously for President Trump. We have seen over 11 close calls with attempts on his life, two of them resulting in the death of secret service agents.

And we are honored to be suffering in intercession for this man to whom God has given the wisdom to get our nation back from the Socialists who have worked so hard to destroy us, doing a good job. And given the enemy hi-tech weapons and uranium to eventually use against us. The levels of intrigue and betrayal by our Muslim ex-president, makes the most dramatic espionage novels look like Cinderella stories.

We are standing behind Trump. And this is a cost. This is a major suffering at the Refuge, and also in our personal lives. So, those of you who are going through very, very hard times - hang in there. This is for our President again. This is why the Rapture has not happened. He wanted us to stand in the gap, to continue to give more people a chance to be saved. When the Lord showed that to me today, I understood.

My tears dried and I felt more willing to suffer these set-backs and continue on despite of the hatred and rejection of our dear neighbors. They have nothing to fear from us. Well, one of our prayer warriors confirmed this direction the Lord gave me. So, I am going to share it with you. He bagan...

I got this message during Communion this morning, and I wanted to pass it on to you to look at. (Here he is talking to me) It seems that while we and Clare are dealing with the Refuge and the warfare on that front, the Lord wants the Heartdwellers on the channel focused on their governments in prayer, as well as praying for the Refuge. This message also has a plea from the Lord to our Satanist friends. The Lord began...

(The Trinity) "We grow weary with contending with the Nations and the people of America over the man, Donald Trump, whom We have appointed as President, as Chief among world leaders. Many resist him, publicly and privately. Some among My people have even taken to preaching and prophesying against him. Lies! Repent while there is yet time, lying prophets, for it is written... It is I who by My great power and My outstretched arm have made the earth, with the men and animals that are on the earth, and I give it to whomever it seems right to Me.


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