Psalm 55 v1-8 & 22 of 23 "O that I, like a dove, had wings! Then I would fly away" Tune: Ayrshire

1 year ago

Psalm 55 v1-8 & 22 of 23
Sing Psalms version
"O God, please listen to my prayer; do not ignore my plea."
Tune: Ayrshire
Falkirk Free Church
The image is only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; it is not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. It is more like visual cross-references.
images: The false prophet Hananiah breaks the yoke around Jeremiah's neck. (Jeremiah 28)


1 O God, please listen to my prayer;
do not ignore my plea.
2 My anxious thoughts make me distraught;
O hear and answer me.

3 I’m troubled by the voice of foes,
by their malicious stare;
For they bring suffering to me—
their hatred I must bear.

4 Within me anguish grips my heart;
death’s terrors have come near.
5 I tremble and am terrified;
I’m overwhelmed by fear.

6 “O that I, like a dove, had wings!
Then I would fly away
7 And be at rest; I’d flee from here
and in the desert stay.

8 “Then would I to my hiding-place
for refuge take my flight,
Far from the raging of the storm
and from the tempest’s might.”

9 Confuse my enemies, O Lord,
and all their speech confound;
For in the city I see strife
and violence abound.

10 They prowl her walls both day and night;
abuse and malice meet.
11 Destruction is at work, and threats
and lies are in the street.

12 If enemies insulted me,
their taunts I could abide;
Or if a foe against me rose,
then from him I would hide.

13 But it is you, my closest friend,
a man whom I well know;
14 We once enjoyed sweet fellowship,
as to God’s house we’d go.

15 Let death come on my enemies
and take them by surprise;
May they go to the grave alive,
for evil in them lies.

16 But as for me, I call to God;
the LORD will save me now.
17 At evening, morning and at noon,
in prayer to him I bow.

Distressed, I cry—he hears my voice.
18 He ransoms me unharmed
From battle waged by many foes,
who are against me armed.

19 My God, enthroned for evermore,
will hear and will repay
Those men who have no fear of God
and never change their way.

20 This man attacks his loyal friends
and breaks his solemn word.
21 As smooth as butter is his speech,
but in his heart’s a sword.

22 O cast your burden on the LORD,
and he will care for you;
He’ll never let the righteous fall,
but bring him safely through.

23 But you, O God, will bring them down—
those evil, wicked men—
Into the pit of death’s decay
for ever to remain.

Bloodthirsty and deceitful men
will not live half their days,
But as for me, my confidence
will rest in you always.

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