7.2.2023: Parables: The Marriage Feast

1 year ago

Parables: The Marriage Feast
Pastor Matt Haflett
Matthew 22:1-14

1. A Feast Prepared.
• The king is God, the groom is Jesus, and the guests are Israel
• Israel refused to hear the call from Jesus.
• The servants, prophets, declare the message of God, and are killed for doing so.
• God has invited us into His kingdom and provided us clothes, Jesus’ righteousness.
2. His Righteousness.
• Jesus IS God’s presence.
• Jesus bears our sins on the cross, and with that punishment, God showers us with grace.
• Without Jesus, or works are but “filthy rags”.
3. By His Grace Alone.
• We are not “tolerated” by God, He loves us as sinners and He wants what He knows is best for each of us.
• Knowing Jesus, even in your sin, there is no condemnation that can separate you from Him.
• We are already accepted, already clothed in Jesus’ righteousness, and waiting for the marriage feast to begin.

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