Taking Jesus to the Marketplace | Acts 17 | Gary Hamrick

1 year ago

People who don’t normally come to church or know anything about the Bible will not understand who Jesus is unless Christians tell them. In Acts 17, Paul went to the “marketplace” and explained Jesus in terms that “unchurched” people could understand. His conversation and interaction with the pagan people of Athens teaches us some important things about taking Jesus to a lost world outside the church.

00:00 - Introduction
06:44 - The Parthenon
12:13 - How do we take Jesus outside the walls of the church?
12:24 - 1) Be willing to “dialogue” with people who don’t know Jesus
16:59 - 2) People have an innate need to connect with God
20:42 - 3) A “religious” person does not mean a “redeemed” person.
22:32 - 4) Everybody has an “entry point” for you to connect with Jesus
25:04 - 5) A relationship with Jesus starts with repentance: turning FROM sin and turning TO God
27:38 - 6) Results may vary, but do your best and leave the rest (to God)


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