A 25-year-old man attacked people with a knife at a kindergarten, killng 6 and injuring 1

1 year ago

7/10/2023 On the morning of July 10th, in Hengshan Town, Lianjiang city, Guangdong province, a 25-year-old man attacked people with a knife at a kindergarten, resulting in six deaths and one injury. According to eyewitnesses, the special police arrived at the scene after the incident. Currently, the case is under expedited investigation.
#Guangdong #Kindergarten #assault #CCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
7/10/2023 7月10日早晨,广东廉江市横山镇幼儿园,一25岁男子持刀砍人,致6人死亡、1人受伤。据目击者称,特警在案发后抵达了现场。目前本案正在加紧侦办中。
#广东 #幼儿园 #袭击 #中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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