Revisit Miles Guo’s live broadcast on October 4, 2017: Who were the passengers on the MH370 flight?

1 year ago

#马航370 #江家 #孟建柱 #器官摘取 #器官移植 #中共 #释放郭文贵 #郭文贵先生有证据
Revisit Miles Guo’s live broadcast on October 4, 2017: Who were the passengers on the MH370 flight? Are there any connections between Jiang Mianheng’s kidney transplant surgeries and the MH370 incident? Does the Jiang Zemin family have the capability to influence the Hudson Institute?
#MH370 #TheJiangfanily #Mengjianzhu #organharvesting #organtrasplant #CCP #FreeMilesGuo #GuoHasTheGoods

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