Adorable Toddler Works Out With His Dad And Is A Natural At Lifting Weights

10 years ago

Working out has lots of positive effects on your body but sometimes it is difficult to motivate yourself to get up and get to the gym. It might be a little easier when you have someone there with you. For this dad, his buddy is his adorable three year old son. He gets to experience his first time at the gym with one of his favourite people, his dad! What a great role model he is for his son. This toddler is a natural! This is one of the cutest videos you will ever see!

As his dad shows him some different workout positions at the gym, his son follows him perfectly! Every time he lifts the weights, his son follows. So precious! He also places the weights on the ground with a lot of strength just like his dad did before him, too funny! He is definitely going to be following in his fathers foot steps! We might have a future athlete on our hands! Either way, no matter what his son wants to do, his dad will always be proud of him!

Check out this adorable video of a toddler working out with his dad!

Do you like to workout with someone? Let us know in the comment section down below!

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