From Self-Acceptance to Self-Improvement: Nurturing Health Esteem

1 year ago

It’s Motivation Monday, and I want to talk about health esteem. It's about accepting that we're not perfect but striving to be better physically and mentally. Forget the impossible standards set by the fitness industry. Instead, focus on becoming the best version of yourself, step by step. Health esteem is not just about physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Manage your time and stress, eat whole foods, and let go of emotional attachments to food. Make small changes like waking up without hitting snooze and tackling the hardest tasks first. Drop energy drinks and sodas, plan your lunch ahead, and give positive energy to others. Avoid screens before bed for better sleep. Embrace self-acceptance while aiming for self-improvement. Find the balance that works for you. Let's conquer our goals together and inspire others.

Struggling to find time for exercise, not knowing what to eat and lacking motivation to just get started with a healthy lifestyle? I can help with that 😉

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