BC Public Service Employees Speak Out - James

1 year ago

Website: https://bcpsforfreedom.com/
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James has worked as a Correctional Officer at a corrections centre in the Okanagan for more than 2 years. He has had a rewarding experience working in corrections and was planning to retire with the B.C. Public Service. Since the mandate came to effect, James and a number of his coworkers were put on leave without pay. He has learned about negative comments made about him and his coworkers in the workplace. “They’re saying we’re not to be taken seriously because we refused to comply and that’s our own fault that we’re losing our jobs.” This situation has had major impacts on his mental health, particularly with depression, which he has suffered for several years. Some of the people he has worked with are respectful of his decision. “They respected me for standing up for what I believe in”. James is still not allowed to go back to work.

Music: https://www.bensound.com/

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