Fake News Legal Analyst: Trump Had Knowledge Because Grown Ups Told Him There Was NO Election Fraud

1 year ago

The fake news legal analyst on Alex Warner’s MSNBC show on July 7 said: You have the grown ups in the room, who are saying there was NO election fraud. You lost every lawsuit you brought and this is completely bogus. And these plans from the 3 stooges, Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell and Patrick Byrne. These plans are preposterous. You can't possibly declare Martial Law . You don't have the authority to have military come in and seize these voting machines. She continued: So when you have the grown ups saying this is what's going on, you then have Trump having knowledge and understanding what's going on.

Then she went back to Trump's tweet, and said this tweet is central to Trump's state of mind. What is Trump's intent here, these other plans didn't work. Then she said, Trump thought I still want to lie. I still want to cheat. And I still want to steal this election so how am I going to get there. Then she said, Trump thought, I am going to come up with a new plan. Let's fire up my base and enflame them and tell them still even though I know there is NO election fraud, tell them there is election fraud and to be there. And to stop the count. The fake news analyst said there is intent. There is motive. There is knowledge. It's a great piece of evidence for the prosecutors.

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