How to #activatepinealgland with #robertmonroe #gateway #ciatapes

1 year ago

Below is the Full Playlist for the Gateway Training
Playlist Link
knowledge is Power This Knowledge is Free to Anyone Who Resonates With It This Will Short Video Will Change Your Life
While doing research in the area of #mindexpansion I have found videos by R#robertmonroe from the #monroeinstitute
Robert Monroe talks about Using Hemi Sync for Mind Expansion and another Level of Consciousness. Through The Gateway Experience CIA
Now with the Earth Raising its Vibration and frequencies, many people are stepping UP To The Plate to #speaktheirtruth And Know Their #soulspurpose and Are On Their Life's Path and Reaching A #higherlevelofconsciousness
So Adding the Knowledge will help You the Collective to Reach Another Consciousness of #OBE or #outofbodyexperience as well as #pinealglandactivation

Do You Deeply Desire to Know and Expand Greater Energies and Energy Systems to go to another Level of Consciousness
To Gain Knowledge and Wisdom From Others
#thegatewaytapes a training system that uses #hemisync short for #hemisphericsynchronization to bring enhanced strength ,focus and understanding and awareness to amplify the frequency of brainwave output between left and right hemispheres to #alterconsciousness and move it outside of the physical sphere to help to escape even the #restrictionsoftimeandspace.
These are the original Tapes from the Monroe Institute in which Mr. Monroe Himself Takes you Through Understanding And Answers 3 Main Questions Most People Have About Their Existence
1: Who You Are 2:Where You Are and then Learn 3:Why You Are
Watch this Playlist
The Videos are in Order So Start with the Introduction than the Orientation to learn first Who You Are
You Are More Than A Physical Body
To Get Out of Your Own Box and remove the barriers of Death and Anger We All Will Reach That Exit Point One Day
I am quoting
Mr Malone Says "How do you define something that is so
intangible that even the results of it may not show up for weeks and perhaps months maybe the interval itself is properly
defined as say a means of Freedom a new kind of Freedom that perhaps you've never before experienced in your life"
I listened to all of the videos it is important to listen and follow all the directions and actions to move towards Your Own Freedom at your own pace

You Will learn the Ten Point System of Relaxation how to use focus to move through different consciousness and eventually will lead to an O.B.E. Experience and Pineal Gland Activation

The Freedom that the #originalgatewayexperience provides through the little tools that Mr. Monroe takes you through along with #obeguidedmeditations with each tool explained in detail in each video for the public
Mr. Monroe is speaking all through the tapes to help you determine that there is a pattern in existence where more than the physical you survives a thing we call physical death

Hemi-Sync is short for Hemispheric Synchronization, also known as brainwave synchronization. Monroe indicated that the technique synchronizes the two hemispheres of one's brain, thereby creating a 'frequency-following response' designed to evoke certain effects.
Hemispheric synchronization or Hemi-Sync is the basic tool of the Gateway Experience
The Monroe Institute for Exploration of Consciousness

The First Piece of Dogma to Understand is an Affirmation
You Are More Than A Physical Body
The Essenes of You Are More Than A Physical Body

Gateway Provides the Tools to #anotherconsciousness but
You Have Work to Do and that to Understand Yourself
What You Are (You Are More Than A Physical Body
Where You Are
To Later Discover Why You Are

The Primary Barriers to the Exploration are Fear and Anger Rage
The Fear that you have of death is what creates the Anger
From the moment of, birth, we are wanting to survive so dying defeats the purpose of our survival
A Pattern that is developed from birth it is programmed into us from many sources called survival imprint
Once you have the knowledge of the fear which is under current of every living being the related barrier of rage anger is exposed
The Fear is I am going to die and the anger or rage is I have to die
We are in a box or imprint of survival
In understanding and believing that you are MORE than your physical body then you will continue to be MORE than your physical body
Uncovering Elements of #selfdiscovery
There are a lot of people with different cultures and belief systems who have set up the barriers or borders of a box that they put us in and do not want us to Believe and Know that we Are MORE than a physical body. To Them, we would be considered dangerous people to their Belief Systems.
It is the people that we have trusted to create this box or structures that exist to contain us in this box
So #whatisfreedom it is getting away from the box
What is the #gatewayprogram?
Fundamentally, the Gateway experience is a #trainingsystem designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of #brainwaveoutput between left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space.”
#thegatewayexperience was originally created by Robert Monroe, founder of The Monroe institute (TMI). #TMI is arguably the most renowned institute for consciousness studies, and has been assisting people in tapping into the #powersofconsciousness since 1971.
Gateway is all about experiencing the nonphysical aspects of reality. It mainly focus on OBE’s (out of body experiences), #remoteviewing, and over all evolution of consciousness. It’s through these techniques that we learn how powerful our consciousness truly is. ‘Gateway’, is the gateway to the hidden parts of reality that few know exist.

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