Leaked Emails Spotlight WHO/Fauci Criminality

1 year ago

We have long known that the World Health Organization was much more than an ignorant stooge when it came to covering up the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) was, in fact, the kingpin of the giant, worldwide PSYOP that our unelected overlords at the World Economic Forum ran against humanity.
We all remember the incredibly shameful and incriminating Tweet that was posted by the WHO on January 14, 2020, when most people were just starting to hear about coronavirus for the first time, and how they downplayed the virus, claiming that it didn’t pass from human to human. That was total propaganda and the WHO knew it. How do we know that? Because doctors in China were already getting ill with COVD-19, which is something that only happens when there is human-to-human transmission, and they knew that too.
We also knew about the WHO’s fake COVID-origin investigations which sought to convince humanity that the SARS-CoV-2 virus came from nature was total BS too. Now we have more damning evidence showing the criminality of WHO employees, Anthony Fauci, and many others in that circle of mad scientists. In fact, a currently ongoing U.S. Congressional investigation has uncovered lots of never-before seen emails showing that the WHO’s COVID response leader (an American woman), as well as a Bloomberg "journalist," were part of Dr. Fauci’s gang of natural-origin fraudsters. The emails also reveal that that Fauci funneled millions of dollars of taxpayer money in the form of research grants to his fellow criminals who either perpetuated or went along with that fake natural-origin narrative that was fed to the American people, as his own special way of saying "thank you."

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