1 year ago

8:05:49—FĪNIS = MONOLOGUE : 臺北-剑杆 (“T‘ÁĪPBĚĪH-JIÀNGĀN” or THE “TAIPEI RĀPIÈR;” See the Historic & Nonfictional “VAMPHYROLOGY : THE VAMPIRE RESEARCH PAPER;” published 2020 – Order From AMAZON-DOT-COM @ https://www.amazon.com/Vamphyrology-Vampire-Research-Douglas-Dietrich/dp/B08NWWK9CX ; Visit WWW.DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM) HOSTS 雙七 (“SHUĀNG-QĪ [‘DOUBLE-SEVEN’]; id est, “SEVENTH-‘O’-JULY”) DUSK-‘TIL-DAWN EIGHTY-SIXTH 第二中-日本人戦争 (“DÌ-ÈR ƵCHUṐNGG-NĪPPHÔNJĪN SENSŌ, or “SECOND SINO-JAPANESE WAR”) COMMENCEMENT REMEMBRANCE DAY-Cum-SEVENTY-SIXTH AMERICAN 07 / 07 ROSWELL WAR CRIME CULMINATION & 大日本帝國 (“DAÏNĪPPHÔNTEIKOKU,” or “GRAND IMPERIAL JAPANESE”) POW (Prisoner[s]-‘O’-War) MASSACRE* MEMȮRIAL DAY LIVESTREAM ‘O’ “CRITICAL OMISSIONS” COMMEMORATIVE ‘O’ ANTEMUNDIBELLUM II (“BEFORE WORLD WAR 2”) 蘆溝橋事變 (“LÚGŌUQIÁO-SHÌBIÀN,” or THE “BATTLE ‘O’ LÚGŌU BRIDGE;” id est, THE “MARCO-POLO BRIDGE INCIDENT” : 070737—070937 [July 7th—9th, 1937]); AS PROMOTED By THE SON ‘O’ ADOLF HITLER’s (sic, Biologically, as repeatedly related On-Record) HISTORIC NONFICTIONAL “THE ROSWELL DECEPTION AND THE DEMYSTIFICATION ‘O’ WW—II (Order From WWW.AMAZON-DOT-COM @ https://www.amazon.com/Roswell-Deception-Demystification-World-War/dp/1937859231 or Order Directly From SKY BOOKS via WWW.SKYBOOKSUSA.COM; Condīta est 1992—)” COÄUTHOR PETER MꝎN (Visit WWW.TIMETRAVELEDUCATIONCENTER.COM); COMPÈRES TEAM Д‘ТРĂЦК (“D‘TRĂCK” : “DIETRICH” or “DRAGON;” Visit WWW.DOUGLASDIETRICH.COM) And SOURCING FROM OUT ‘O’ THE CRYPT ON РУССКИЙ ХИЛЛ (“RUSSKIY KHOLM” or “RUSSIAN HILL”) IN 大旧金山三藩市 (“Dà-Jiùjīnshān-Sānfānshì,” or The “Greater Hedge-Fenced City On The Three-Peaked Mountain ‘o’ Aulden Gold;” exonymous throughout The Sinosphere for “San Francisco” by way ‘o’ The Gold Rush : 1848—1855) ON THE BARBARY COAST Of THE FRONTIER WEST ...


* ロズウェルの残虐行為 (“ROƵŪ~ERU-No-ƵANGYAKU KŌI,” or THE “ROSWELL ATROCITY;” WW―II†, sic, see Below : 070447―070747 / July 4th―7th, 1947).

† 大 きい東アジア太平洋戦争 (“Ōoki-i Higashi-ajia Taiheiyōusensōu,” or The “Greater East-Asian Pacific War”) : 大日本帝國 (“Daï-Nīpphôn-Teikoku,” or The “Empire ‘o’ Greater Japan;” CeAChN : Condīta est Antechristum Natum; Latin, “Established Precedent Christóús’ Deliverance” II.XI.DCLX, or 02 / 11, 660 ANCÈ : Avant Notre Commonal Èræ; Français, “Prior Our Common Era” – here literally Founded “The Eleventh Date ‘o’ The Second Month, Six Hundred and Sixty Years Antecedent Time-‘o’-Christ”—) versus The UNO (United Nations Organization; Condīta est 010142, or January 1st, 1942—; Said Body Established as a United Frontal Anti-Axis Organization-‘o’-War, sic – as-per Article 42 ‘o’ The United Nations Charter – Onsite the Mister Douglas Dietrich’s own Former Workplace : El Presidio In-Defense ‘o’ The City-and-County ‘o’ San Francisco, California, United States-‘o’-America; Cest 1776—), Said Hostilities Commencing w / The Communist (sic, see “COLONEL EVANS-FORDYCE CARLSON : OUR MOST PATRIOTIC COMMUNIST” @ https://psmag.com/news/evans-carlson-was-a-patriotic-communist ) USMC (United States Marine Corps; Condīta est 1775—) Terrorist Attack on 中-日本轴 (from 日本-普通话 / “Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-Pǔtōnghuà,” or the then-nascent Polycentric “Japanochinoíse” Language : The “Midnīpphôn – ie ‘Chinǽjaponoæís’ – Axis”) ĀN―DAY (平倭―日 / 天 : “Píng-WÂ―Hi / Tiān;” transliterally “ĀN―Sunlit Skytime” or “Pacificity Day;” conveying an Annal-Dated Manifestation ‘o’ Historically Significant Worldly Security), as was Scheduled for Concordat (an “Agreement” between Church and Civil Authority, in this case between The Δηικρατία / “Dēicracy” or “God’s-Rule” Under 帝 / “Mikado” or The “God-Emperor” ‘o’ 大日本 / “Daï Nīpphôn” or “Greater Japan”] and The Secular Nationalist Republic ‘o’ 中國 / “ƵChuṑnggkGHuóuá,” literally The “Middle Kingdom,” ie “China”) per Establishment ‘o’ 中-日本人轴 (“ƵChuṑnggnīpphônjīn-Ƶhóu,” or The “Sino-Japanese People’s Axis”) on Ā―DAY 121237 (December 12th, 1937)―Cessation-‘o’-Hostilities : 042852 (April 28th, 1952), 日本人 (“Nīpphônjīn,” or The “Japanese Peoples”) and Anglo-American Allied Peace Treaty ‘o’ San Francisco Effective as Recognized by The UNO – w / Российская Федерация (“Rossijskaja Federacija,” or The “Russian Federation;” Condīta est 1991—) still Legally In-State-‘o’-War Under (tenuous) Conditions-‘o’-Ceasefire ’gainst 日本帝国 (“Nīpphôn-Teikoku,” or The “Japanese Empire”) Today.

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