Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie Green and Marty Grisham - With Closed Captions

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1 year ago

Hello everybody once again, and thank you for joining today’s live show. I am here with one of my dearest friends, Marty Grisham from Loud Mouth Prayer. It is great to see you again, Marty. We were just talking backstage about the healings that happened during that huge revival down in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which we were a part of. It was such a blessing to be there, and we’re hearing about what God was doing, and it is powerful. What do you think?

Well, I have to say, it was interesting because it was a little over a year ago that the Lord began to speak to my wife, Jenny, and began to speak to me, just basically talking to us over and over again, pounding on us about beginning healing meetings in Tulsa. Now, if you know anything about Tulsa, Tulsa is back in the day, it’s the mecca of faith in the Word, and it’s the teaching movement from the 80s, which came so powerfully through this city. And then it’s also known as a city of great healings and miracles. T.L. Osborne, Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, who still lives here, amazing man of God. Love Richard Roberts. The Hagans Ministry, who I’ve been a part of, Rhema, all of these ministries, so many ministries, and even Victory Church, which not everyone nationally knows, but is a powerful church here. So, there’s been so much healing here, and Jenny started hearing from the Lord, my wife, and then I started hearing from the Lord about having these healing meetings here. And I have to tell you, it took about nine months of Him just working on me. Finally, He moved on me one day, Julie, and said, “If you don’t obey me, I’m going to have this call to someone else.” And I said, “You’ll never say that to me again,” and I jumped in. And so, you joined us. Thank you for you and the powerful Green Team. The whole team came down. You guys joined us. What a great time we had. Tumors immediately leaving people’s bodies, healings. I just, we have Jenny just read me the email we received from one of our new friends, Nadine, who lives out, I’ll just say, out in the West somewhere. I won’t say where she lives. She just sent us a long email. Jenny, Jenny’s here with me now. It must have been 25 things that Nadine got healed from. Like, if you could just, like, but she came to the first healing revival, and then she came to the second, and she’s got healed of her whole life. It’s been, I call it the full body makeover, but it’s not with makeup and cutting off some fat. It’s just the power of God taking away pains, sicknesses, diseases, adjusting you, cricking you, popping you, putting you back in place, healing your heart, getting your back in line. This has taken place everywhere, and we want people to come and be a part of it. So, we’re going to keep on doing these healing revivals. So, what was your experience? You had a good time there.

So, just to add on to Tulsa and Oklahoma, I was a part of that because I lived down there when my dad went to Rhema Bible College. So, it was such an honor to be able to go back down to Tulsa again and be a part of something like that because, again, I was raised like this. I was raised in these healing revivals and miracle signs and wonders and things going on. Our team absolutely loved it. We loved seeing what God was doing. We saw, we actually just got an email about a deliverance that somebody just had regarding certain things. She had bipolar, she was very fearful and anxiety-stricken, and the Lord dealt with her, and she said her life has done a complete 180. It was so powerful to see again. People have to realize, even though in the midst of these kind of crazy, ridiculous times, yeah, God is teaching us, yeah, how to pray, yeah, He’s teaching us what to say, He’s teaching us how to receive, He’s teaching us that He is still the Healer, He’s teaching us that He’s still the Deliverer. He’s doing all these things. And again, my team and I just absolutely love. We’ve been, I think, Donald Trump’s about three times in this last several months, and we are saying it is going to be like it was in the 80s. I remember being like it was in the 80s and how powerful it was. But God is saying it’s going to go even beyond what it was even in that time, with everything that was going on between the healing and the faith message, between Oral Roberts and Kenneth E. Hagin. It was just absolutely, I loved it. I’ve never been actually on the Oral Roberts campus. If I had, I didn’t remember. I probably haven’t, just so young. I remember, but I love Oral Roberts, and I love Richard Roberts. He is such a powerful man of God. I’ve seen so many teachings of his and services of his. There were so many miracles that happened. I’m like, “Dad, you know, I love his teachings.” And I, again, it was an honor to be there. So, thank you.

Yeah, well, it was good to have you guys. It’s such an honor to have you. And I tell you, we had a packed house. I think we had probably 800 seats available. We had well over 700, 750 people that came. The room was packed. We had a great time, and the presence of God was there. The presence of God was there. And so, I just want to tell everyone that, you know, God is still the Healer. And right now, I have to say, let’s just jump in, I guess, today, Julie, because we don’t really have a plan, as we do many times. You and I will just run in and just see what the Holy Ghost wants to speak about. But I tell you, I’m taking a few steps back concerning healing right now, and not backing away from it, taking a few steps back from how I’ve been looking at it. I want to make sure I’m in line with the Word, because the Word is the center of all that we do. So, if we’re going to receive healing, man, we look to the Word for that. He literally said, “I’ve sent my Word to heal you, to deliver you from your destructions.” But I think I’ve looked so much at times at what I want to get from God. I’m going to set that aside for a second, and I want to look at who I am with God.

Because, technically, when He put Himself inside me, the very life of God, the healing power of God, the life of God has been placed inside me. So, me, I'm beginning to focus more on who I am, more than what I've got, because sometimes what you have or what you don't have tries to lie to you. But I can't deny who He says that I am. I'm one with Him. I'm in union with Him to such a place that if He's in need at such an extent and I get my soul in line with that, Julie, it will begin to overcome all the stuff I want or need or don't have. It will produce that in my life. Meaning, can sickness legally live in me? By the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, sickness has no right to live in me. So, but sickness has been in me, so then I'm the problem and I'm making those adjustments, getting myself back in line with that Romans 8:1 and 2, that there is a law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus who's made me free from the law of sin, sickness, and death. So, I'm now getting myself just in that tight, close-knit relationship and union with Him so that His life flows in me and through me all throughout the day, just displacing sickness, driving it out of me, the same way I let it do with sin. Amen. And you know, another thing the Lord was giving me this morning. I actually wasn't going to do a video because we were going to be on today, and then the Lord prompted me to do one. And one of the things was, it's about David and Ziklag. And the same thing, we have decisions we can make during a time of frustration, during a time of darkness. And God is telling all of us, like you were saying, "Who am I? What have I done?" Because it's not God. The same thing with, like, if we have a situation where, like David, he was in a situation, he had come to himself, he had to encourage himself in the Lord. That's what God wants us all to do, is encourage ourselves in the Lord, and also to see ourselves the way God does. Yeah, that's it. God does not see us as failures. He doesn't see us weak. He doesn't see us wimpy. He doesn't see us as lowly sinners. He doesn't see that. That's what religion will tell you. That's what the world will tell you. Yeah, with David, he saw even a young boy. If you looked in the natural, he was 15, 16 years old. He was not very big at the time. And then you had Goliath. But David saw a warrior. God saw a warrior in David. Excuse me, a warrior in David. The world didn't see a warrior in David, but God did. God also saw a king in David, even before David was king, even though his dad and they didn't even think about David, like when the prophet was like, "Where are all your sons?" He didn't even think about David. He was the youngest one. He wasn't the one that no one was thinking about. Yeah, God did. God never counts us out, even though many other people count us out. It doesn't matter our situations, our circumstances. God never counts us out. Ever, ever, ever. David was a powerful example of even though he made mistakes and he was kind of not very smart at times, but God's choice for him never changed. And when he was in battle, what did God say? "Pursue, we're taking, recover all." And this is what we have to remind ourselves, even though we're in the midst of battles, God does not see you as you see you. God sees you through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He also sees on the other side of that problem. He sees the answer. He sees the victory. He sees the solution. And so what we have to do is we have to stand by and I was so excited when you said you were going to teach about how to pray. Yeah, because that's how a lot of people have to know. First of all, you have to see yourself. It's like you were pointing out, you have to see yourself through the blood of Jesus, the redemption rights, the blood covenant of Jesus Christ, and not through the world's perspective or your own perspective of who you are. Because if you're teaching somebody how to pray, Marty, and you're on point and you're saying, "This is how to pray," but if they don't see themselves how God sees themselves, they don't see themselves as worthy to receive that prayer.

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