A Wise Prepper’s Guide to Bartering Skills and Supplies

5 years ago

Bartering is a way to exchange goods or services without using money. It has successfully helped communities thrive for thousands of years and may prove highly valuable during a crisis.

Living in a “currency based” economy we may have lost this valuable skill.

How do I prepare to successfully barter in a disaster scenario? To successfully barter during a crisis you must develop a set of basic skills, build physical resources, and develop good working relationships today. The safest and most successful bartering occurs between friends and neighbors.

In this video, we will help you understand the basics of bartering so you can learn to barter for the services and supplies that you may want or need. These are handy skills to use every day, not just when the world falls apart around you.

To learn more details about bartering visit the post that this video is based on:

A Wise Prepper’s Guide to Bartering Skills and Supplies

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You can find a wealth of information to help you and your family prepare at:


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