Prepare Now for an Economic Collapse

6 years ago

The recent tragic events in Venezuela have prompted us to consider whether or not we are prepared to survive an economic collapse here in the United States.

How do you prepare to survive an economic collapse? You can reduce the potential impact that an economic collapse may have on you and your family by following these simple principles:

1. Stock the supplies necessary to sustain life
2. Stockpile valuable tools
3. Grow your own food
4. Prepare to provide for yourself or do without
5. Prepare to live with little or no electricity
6. Strengthen your financial status
7. Learn basic skills
8. Build relationships
9. Prepare to share
10. Be ready to protect your family
11. Maintain a current passport
12. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst

In this video, we discuss some of the best strategies to prepare for challenging economic times.

Be sure to visit the post this video was based on to learn more about preparing for an economic collapse.

12 Ways to Prepare to Survive an Economic Collapse --

Check out our personal recommendations for quality long term food storage shelving and suppliers at:

Check out how we have turned our backyard into a food forest to easily raise both produce and eggs in our article:

How to Create a Survival Food Forest in Your Own Back Yard

Some great posts on building your food storage can be found at The Provident Prepper:

Long Term Food Storage: Creative Solutions to Build a Critical Asset

3 Months Supply of Food: Great Peace of Mind

Ingenious Places to Store Your Emergency Food Supply

Other articles by The Provident Prepper on food storage that might interest you include:

How to Know When Food Storage is Too Old

8 Food Storage Enemies and How to Slay Them

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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