How to Make Soup From an Almost Empty Pantry

4 years ago

Times are tough and sometimes it can be challenging to create delicious meals from the random items remaining in your pantry. In this video, we will teach you the basics of creating tasty soups from staples that you probably have remaining in your pantry to stretch your food supply.

A hearty soup can be both a nutritional powerhouse and comfort food. You can make it on a stovetop but I prefer to put the ingredients in a slow cooker and let it simmer all day long. The delicious smells fill the air and let the family enjoy the anticipation of the evening meal.

Homemade bread, rolls, biscuits, chips, or crackers are a wonderful side to compliment the soup. Serve thicker soups, stews, or chili on top of cooked rice to make the meal more filling.

Every home needs a well-stocked pantry. It can bring great peace during challenging times. To learn more about how to create a 3 month supply of foods that you eat everyday visit our post:

3 Months Supply of Food: Amazing Peace of Mind

In addition to the shelf-stable everyday foods, we recommend a long term supply of lifesaving basic staples such as wheat, rice, beans, and oats. You can find details to building this storage in our post:

Long Term Food Storage: Creative Solutions to Build a Critical Asset

I love my garden and depend on it to supply fresh produce for our family. Learn how to grow your own survival garden at:

Best Strategies for Growing a Reliable Survival Garden

We pray that you will be able to keep your family safe and fed during these challenging times.

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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