Top 10 Prepper Excuses and How to Slay Them

5 years ago

Why don’t more people prepare for emergencies and disasters? Many people have a list of excuses that stop them from preparing for emergencies. Those excuses include; perfectionism, avoiding responsibility, disbelief, pessimistic attitude, mental exhaustion, time, money, space, knowledge and lack of motivation.

Preparing to meet the challenges in our future makes perfect sense to me. It provides me with a great sense of peace to know that our family is taking steps to conquer the disasters that life throws our way.

We surveyed over 100 people to try to understand why many people don’t prepare to survive known threats. Our hope is that we might be able to help slay those excuses and turn them into productive, useful stories.

To learn more, check out the post this video is based on at

So what's your favorite excuse? Comment below.

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