The Secret to Raising Confident Self-Reliant Kid Preppers

5 years ago

As a prepper, I prepare to ensure that I am able to conquer the challenges that life may throw my way. I worry about what may happen to my children if disaster strikes when I am not there to lead the charge. The only way to protect children in my absence is to turn them into skilled kid preppers.

What is the best way to involve children in prepping? The best way to get children anxiously involved in emergency preparedness is to make preparing a natural part of their everyday life. We are not talking about a "doomsday, end-of-the-world" type of fear prepping. We embrace a "when challenges come, we will be ready" attitude of joyful prepping.

In this video, we introduce you to four of our children and share with you how we have raised them to be confident self-reliant kid preppers.

For more information visit our post:

Raising Confident Self-Reliant Kid Preppers: 14 Essential Skills

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