Making Water Safe to Drink: 7 Disinfection Techniques

6 years ago

Safe drinking water is absolutely essential for survival. Our clean, safe drinking water supply may be suddenly disrupted in a disaster. Have you considered how you are going to make your water safe to drink?

Water can be made safe to drink by using the following disinfection techniques:

1. Boiling – heating water to 212 degrees
2. Pasteurization – heating water to 149 degrees for 6 minutes
3. Distillation – vaporizing water and allowing it to condense back into a liquid
4. Chlorination – using chlorine
5. Iodization – using iodine
6. Solar Disinfection (SODIS) – exposing water to the sun in a transparent container
7. Filtration – filtering contaminants out of water

Each of these disinfection techniques has benefits as well as limitations. In this video, we will review these 7 popular techniques to disinfect water.

To remove both biological and chemical contaminants, we recommend USA Berkey Water Filters - Use promo code PROVIDENT10 for a 10% discount on your purchase.

For more information read:

Making Water Safe to Drink: 7 Disinfection Techniques

Emergency Water: 17 Potential Sources

How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness

UV Rays Save the Day—Disinfecting Water Using the Sun

Tips for Storing Water in a 55-Gallon Plastic Barrel

Links to disinfection products:

Calcium Hypochlorite

Polar Pure

Stovetop Water Distiller

Gravity Water Filter

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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