Magician Pulls Off Generous Gift Prank For Homeless

10 years ago

The world is not perfect. It sometimes even feels like the bad outweighs the good, but a single act of kindness can brighten our whole day. Just seeing that there is good in others is enough to have our faith in humanity restored.

We live in an era where there is a great amount of people living on this Earth that are often one penny too short in their pockets and don’t know how they’re going to pay the bills. We often think that the only thing that can solve their problems and make them live a happier life is pure magic, so what if that might be true? Magic tricks are great entertainment. They can make us laugh, make our hearts stop for a second and even make the cogs in our minds turn overtime to figure out the logistics behind the trick. But they can also help us do good deeds. Check out this footage to see just how it’s done.

Magician Rob Anderson offered to show his homeless friends a magic trick, but they probably weren’t expecting this! He tells them that he had something for them but forgot it and that he’s going to use his magic skills to get it. Somewhere in the background, another man hands Rob an envelope that contains some cash, and other necessities these people might need. Rob hands it to them and it instantly makes their day. We definitely need more people like him!

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