90-Day Challenge - Week 2 - Apricot Harvest

5 years ago

We have officially survived our second week living off of our food storage and garden produce. However, this week involved a little bit of premeditated cheating.

We had been invited to present at Education Week last year so the timing, although it seemed a bit suspect, couldn't be helped. It was kind of fun to watch the delight the kids experienced as they enjoyed the simple pleasures like a slice of hot pizza.

One of the things that we learned this week is to be grateful for the simple pleasures we experience in everyday life. We don't recognize how much we appreciate them until they are gone.

We were also reminded of how important it is to be wise stewards of our resources and not to waste anything if we can help it.

Now ... 2 weeks down only 10 weeks to go. How is your challenge going? Be sure to keep us posted!

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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