Prepare Now to Survive the New Coronavirus

5 years ago

Prepare Now to Survive the New Coronavirus

One of our viewers, Bruce Forster, suggested that our viewers might like to hear our take on the new Coronavirus that is rapidly spreading in China. It is still early in the game and there are many variables that haven’t even been entered into the equation at this point. However, we do think it is worth taking the time to prepare.

In this video, we will share some suggestions that we think are important to avoiding contracting a communicable disease like the new coronavirus as well as some ways that you can prepare if the new coronavirus strikes your hometown.

We wrote a post that might be very helpful to you as you prepare for what could end up being a pandemic. We worked really hard on it and it contains some valuable information.

Prepare Now to Survive a Pandemic

This is the post that we referred to in the video that will help you know which over-the-counter medications you may want to stock up on.

Prepper Home Pharmacy: The Best Medications to Stockpile

Other Posts that you may want to explore on The Provident Prepper include:

Prepping for Basic Emergency Sanitation

Disinfecting Water Using Calcium Hypochlorite

Disasters Literally Stink: How to Tame the Stench!

3 Months Supply of Food: Great Peace of Mind

Ingenious Places to Store Your Emergency Food Supply

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Crisis Laundry Management

Safe Indoor Emergency Cooking Solutions

Best Alternative Heat Sources to Use During a Power Outage

Community – Your Best Chance for Survival

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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