25 Top Prepping Skills for Resilience and Self-Reliance

5 years ago

What would you say if I told you that the most valuable prepping tool you can have is actually free? Not only is it free, but it has an indefinite shelf life and is 100 percent portable.

What is the most valuable prepping tool for emergency preparedness? The most valuable preparedness tool is knowledge.

The skills and knowledge you attain will never spoil, require no storage space, weigh nothing at all, are not at risk of being stolen or destroyed, and are completely portable.

When you barter with goods your resource will eventually run short. Not so with skills, you can trade for goods or cash indefinitely and are only limited by the number of hours you have available to work.

In this video, we review 25 skill sets that you may want to explore to increase your ability to be resilient and self-reliant when challenges knock down your door.

We have included many more details in our post:
Skills and Knowledge That Make Preppers Resilient and Self-Reliant

Other posts that may be helpful in your quest to develop new skills can be found at TheProvidentPrepper.org

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