Prepper Risk Assessment: What Threats Should You Prepare to Survive?

5 years ago

We do not all face the same risk of disasters. Your location determines many of the risk factors that you may face when it comes to natural disasters and other threats to your safety and well-being. Other risks are universally faced by the entire population.

Determining your greatest risks and taking steps to mitigate those risks can make all the difference in your level of comfort and survival.

What are the potential risks that you need to consider as you prepare to survive? Natural disasters, man-made events and accidents, terrorist and war-related events, and epidemics are serious threats that require specific action in order to mitigate the effect that they may have on your family. Careful evaluation of your risk factors can help narrow your focus and allow you to spend your time and resources preparing for dangerous events that you have the greatest odds of experiencing.

As you consider your risks, it is important to note that there are some hazards that you may have a reasonable amount of control over and others that are completely out of your control. Spend your mental energy and resources where you can make a difference and let go of the things which are out of your control.

Our goal is to provide you with information to help you realistically identify the risks your family may face and give you some ideas on where to start to mitigate, or reduce, those risks.

In this video, we are going to quickly review some of the possible scenarios that you may want to prepare for. We explore these events in much greater detail in our post:

Prepper Risk Assessment: What Threats Should You Be Prepared to Survive?

Visit the following posts at to learn what reasonable steps you may want to take to keep your family safe when disaster strikes.

12 Ways to Prepare to Survive an Economic Collapse --

New Urgency to Prepare for an Extended Power Outage

Check out our personal recommendations for quality long term food storage shelving and suppliers at:

Some great posts on basic preparedness steps can be found at The Provident Prepper:

How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness

Long Term Food Storage: Creative Solutions to Build a Critical Asset

3 Months Supply of Food: Great Peace of Mind

Ingenious Places to Store Your Emergency Food Supply

Best Heat Sources to Use During a Power Outage

Where Can I Safely Store Popular Fuels for Emergencies?

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