Prepping with Elderly and Disabled Loved Ones

5 years ago

Prepping for a family can be a challenge. When you add physical or mental limitations to that challenge, it can become overwhelming.

How can disabled or special needs individuals prepare to survive emergencies or disasters? A disability does not prevent you from being able to survive a disaster. It means that you prepare in the same way as everyone else, and you include special accommodations designed to help your unique circumstances.

Disabilities may include any form of impairment that limits activity. As a general rule, age tends to bring a variety of new limitations. Other considerations include chronic illnesses, mental health issues, hearing loss, impaired vision, mobility restrictions, and significant dietary restrictions.

Remember that just because an individual is impaired in some way does not mean that he or she is not a valuable member of the team. Discover ways to take the best advantage of knowledge and skills and work within limitations. Everyone has some way to contribute.

In this video, we share some ideas that may be helpful as you develop your emergency preparedness plan to include your loved ones as they age or become disabled.

Visit our post: Prepping with Elderly and Disabled Loved Ones for more details.

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