Newbie Prepper Step 4 – Build Your Emergency Evacuation Kit

4 years ago

Newbie Prepper Step 4 focuses on preparing your family to be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. You may not realize it but you already have completed much of the groundwork in the previous prep steps. Congrats!

There are a hundred different reasons why you may have to leave your home to find safety. Events might include wildfire, flooding, hurricanes, civil unrest, and a host of other concerns. Many of these events will provide you with little advanced warning.

In this video, we will review the basics of building an emergency survival kit. We will provide you with some great ideas to get started but make sure that you take the time to complete your reading assignments. These articles contain some incredibly valuable information.

We mentioned the cool new tents and hammocks we purchased. You can find them on Amazon.

Forceatt Ultralight Backpack 2-3 Person Tent, Waterproof and Windproof 3-4 Seasons

Forceatt Waterproof Ultralight Tent Tarp

Kootek Double & Single Backpacking Hammocks

Go to USA Berkey Water Filters - Use promo code PROVIDENT10 for a 10% discount on your purchase.

You can also find the links and Newbie Prepper Steps at:

Newbie Prepper: Ten Simple Steps to Get Started

Reading Assignments

How to Create the Perfect Emergency Survival Kit

14 Emergency Kits to Help You Dominate Disaster

How to Organize Critical Documents for Emergency Evacuation

Wildfire Evacuation: Prepare Now to Protect Your Family

Survival Kits Plan of Action

Look around your home and find some type of backpack or rolling suitcase that you might be able to use for an emergency kit. Stock it using the principles you learned in your reading assignment. You will need one for every member of your family. New packs would be ideal but use whatever you can find for now.

Consider the unique needs of each family member and let them help you to create an emergency survival kit that is specially designed to take care of them. Store the kits in a place that is easily accessible if you need to evacuate in a hurry.

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