10 Smart Prepper Hacks from Seasoned Preppers

3 years ago

Would you like to learn some really cool hacks that seasoned preppers have discovered over the years? In this video, a few of our experienced prepper friends share their knowledge in hopes that it will help you on your journey to becoming better prepared for the challenges in life.

A special thank you to Debbie, Suzanne, and another friend who wishes to remain anonymous. We greatly appreciate all of the wonderful ideas that you shared with us in this video.

You can learn more about self-reliance, provident living, and emergency preparedness at TheProvidentPrepper.org. Here are a few specific articles that might be of interest to you.

How to Organize Critical Documents for Emergency Evacuation

Long Term Food Storage: Creative Solutions to Build a Critical Asset

How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness

Long Term Food Storage: Best Containers and Treatment Methods

Best Strategies for Growing a Reliable Survival Garden

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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