How to Safely Catch a Skunk in a Live Trap and Release It

4 years ago

Living on a little homestead, we have all kinds of adventures. My least favorite adventure is having to deal with the skunks that love our chicken eggs. Chickens are highly valuable to us and worth protecting.

What is the best way to capture a skunk? We like to use a live trap that has been baited with foods that skunks can't resist. Ideal skunk bait includes eggs, crispy bacon, cat food, chicken or turkey, canned tuna or sardines, peanut butter on bread, marshmallows, or any meat-based, oily foods with a strong odor.

I think a basic necessity on any homestead is a couple of good live traps to capture predators. I've included a couple of links to purchase them on Amazon.

This trap is uniquely designed for skunks:
SKUNK-N-MORE No Spray Live Skunk Trap

We prefer to have a multi-purpose trap:
Live Animal Cage Trap with Humane Release for Rabbits, Stray Cats, Squirrels, Raccoons, Moles, Gophers, Chickens, Opossums, Skunks, Chipmunks, and Groundhogs

You can try these remedies in the event that you get sprayed:

Nature's Miracle Skunk Odor Remover Odor Neutralizing Formula

Mold Monster Stink Slayer- All Natural Skunk Odor Remover

Visit the post that this video is based on at The Provident Prepper.

How to Safely Trap a Skunk Without Getting Sprayed

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