Thermal Cookers: Powerful Solution for Efficient Emergency Cooking

5 years ago

During our 30-Day Grid Down Cooking Challenge, we frequently used retained heat or thermal cooking to save fuel. This ancient method of fuel conservation can be beneficial to use every day, as well as when during hard times.

In retained heat cooking, food is brought to a boil in a pot and then transferred to an insulated container to continue cooking the food. The retained heat cooker maintains temperature long enough to complete the cooking cycle.

Retained heat, thermal cooking, and fireless cooking are all different names to capture the same concept. In this video, we will share with you the basics principles of retained heat cooking. Knowledge is power. This little gem of knowledge may just come in quite handy when times get tough.

To learn more about retained heat cooking visit The Provident Prepper and check out the post that this video was created from:

Thermal Cookers: Powerful Solution for Efficient Emergency Cooking

Or this great post by Megan Smith on retained heat cooking:

Retained Heat Cooking: The Secret to Stretching Your Fuel Supplies

You can learn more about the lessons we learned during our 30-day grid-down cooking challenge on our post:

30 Day Grid-Down Cooking Challenge – Lessons Learned and Fuel Usage

Some of the retained heat cooking options you may want to explore are listed below:

Saratoga Jacks Thermal Cooker

Thermos Cook and Carry

Thermos Shuttle Chef

Thermos Thermal Cooker Carry Out (This one has 2 pots that fit inside of the thermal cooker and is on the top of my wish list!)

Tiger Non-Electric Thermal Slow Cooker

Maxso Vacuum Mug Set of 2

Energify Vacuum Insulated Food Jar

Stainless Steel King Vacuum Insulated Food Jar

Stackable Stainless Steel Thermal Compartment Lunch Box (Another one on my wish list!)

Hungry Fan Insulated Thermal Bag
Wonder Oven – Visit Megan Smith’s website My Food Storage Cookbook to purchase a Wonder Oven or to buy a pattern to make your own.

Take courage and learn how to use retained cooking to simplify your life and extend your fuel supply.

Thanks for being part of the solution!

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