Emergency Water: PortaWell High-Volume Portable Water Filter Review

2 years ago

Are looking for a water filter that will produce a lot of clean water very quickly? PortaWell High-Volume Portable Water Filter can be easily transported in a bucket and can clean up to 60 gallons of water per hour.

In this video, we review the PortaWell water filtration system. It does a good job of removing protozoa and bacteria but you may want to pre-treat the water for potential viruses depending on the source of your water. You can check out PortaWell filters at https://myportawell.com/?ref=Provident

We purchased the car adapter cord from Amazon. Cigarette Lighter Plug to SAE Quick Release Adapter Extension Charging Cable https://amzn.to/3L2XsfO

Learn more about storing and filtering water for emergencies at TheProvidentPrepper.org

How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Water Filters: Guiding You Through the Maze

Disinfecting Water Using Calcium Hypochlorite https://theprovidentprepper.org/disinfecting-water-using-calcium-hypochlorite/

Emergency Water: 17 Potential Sources

Making Water Safe to Drink: 7 Disinfection Techniques

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